About SoloMoms! Talk Podcast

Biblical Financial Principles #podcast #singlemom

Christian Financial Expert, Leo Marte shares his insights on the role of money in the life of a Christian. He talks about the importance of tithing and the impact it can have on your spiritual maturity.

Leo also shares his personal story of being raised by a single mother who taught him about managing money according to Biblical principles. Finally, Leo says that one of the most important things Christians can do for their family is to leave a legacy for future generations.

Prefer to listen? https://bit.ly/3GjSES0
Watch more videos on SoloMoms! Talk TV: https://bit.ly/3vK4KiJ
This podcast was recorded with Riverside.fm: https://bit.ly/3Iz03Q7
Connect with me on Instagram: https://bit.ly/3Cy9MTe
Better Credit for Financial Stability blog post: https://bit.ly/3k5wID2

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